- The philosophy of “Sadhan”, “Sadhana”, and “Sadhya” is practiced and preached at Oxford College, Hubli to prepare our youth for the future.
- To create an integrated system that meets the higher educational needs of the region and community at large.
- To work relentlessly towards community/National development through knowledge and technological skills.
- To be efficient, effective community acceptable and excel in education and service.
- To impart knowledge and interact with organization of similar interest to meet global competency.
- To induce paradigm shifts in community that education is prerequisite for human development and to inculcate the value system.
- To reach the unreached and serve the under-served with education contributions to the national development.
- To be an active component of national educational system so as to develop the institution as the center of excellence.

- Developing true leaders, delivering quality education, nurturing a sense of belonging and creating pro-active citizens.
- Learner centered education of excellence.
- Develop adaptability to technological skills, to meet the challenges of changing global village effectively.
- Induce knowledge that faster self-learning, Continuous improvement and innovation in higher education.
- Efficiency, quality, continuous improvement and innovative in all the process of our system.
- Unique product differentiation and stakeholder’s satisfaction.
- Consultancy referral center.
- Unique organizational value based culture.
- Open organizational climate.
- Inter organizational linkage with institutions of similar interest.
- Strategic future oriented planning.
- Community oriented skills and research.
- Strong community relationships.
- Professionalism in education, management and service.
- Meet regional and national educational needs.